Our team has specialized professionals in criminal matters very well trained with masters in the criminal branch and experience of high complexity processes and media in Costa Rica. Providing comprehensive advice on the procedural stage of Criminal Law.
Our services in this area include:
- Accompaniment in the Criminal Process: in the condition of Offended, Victim and Imputed.
- Preparation of documents and litigant actions in criminal and administrative sanctioning venue. In addition, in the protection of subjective rights, in the constitutional seat; Habeas corpus.
- Orientation and practical action in the preparatory investigation phase of the criminal process; Intimation and Indagatory.
- Advice and preparation of litigant documents for the promotion of civil actions for compensation within the criminal process. Complaints
- Counseling and intervention in each of the stages of the criminal process and in the criminal resources after the sentencing. Appeals or Cassations.
- Counseling, training and audits in the framework of “Compliance with norms, procedures and administrative and criminal requirements” for the prevention and repression of crimes of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. Drug trafficking among others.